Saturday, September 21, 2013


Ummm, Panabee?
Panabee is a simple way to search for domain names, app names, and company names. Or use Panabee to buy the online address associated with your personal name. Like this. Mock us for many reasons -- like our resentment of skinny jeans or our thoughts on Asian FOBs -- but not our name.
In case the perfect name is taken, we present plenty of suggestions inspired by your original idea. These are derived from phonemes, syllables, abbreviations, suffixes, prefixes, and popular domain trends. You'll love these alternatives ... or likely not. But you'll definitely love our sexy dance moves. Panabee's bringing sexy back.
Related Terms
Save a trip to the thesaurus and see words and phrases related to your idea. Sometimes exploring a connected concept can generate fresh thoughts or steer brainstorming down a productive path. For instance, cool picture might seed a few attractive ideas if you're inventing the next Flickr or Instagram.
Domain Name Search
We also simplify domain name checks. Enter a domain like and quickly see availability as well as multiple alternatives. Want to search with a different default extension like .io or .us? Simple. Unlike most sites, when you search with a domain like, we default all future searches to use .io until you switch to another extension. Hotness.
App Name Availability
There are nearly 2 million apps, making it difficult to find a great name. Use Panabee to search the Apple App Store and Google Play while also checking domain name availability. We could check Microsoft and Blackberry’s stores, but are the extra 28 users worth the hassle? (The answer is, "No. No way." Which is the same answer to give, incidentally, when your girlfriend asks if the nice cashier lady looks skinnier than her. "Only because she looks younger" gets you two nights on the couch and one expensive trip to Saks.)
International Domains
Over 50% of Panabee's users are international. We designed the site to easily support popular international domains like, .in, and Most other sites focus on dot-coms, but we know more and more entrepreneurs only need domains in their home country. Whether you're from China, Canada, India, Australia, or elsewhere, we can help find a domain name in your home country.
Social Media Usernames
Today's entrepreneurs and companies can't afford to consider only domain names and websites. Customers are everywhere, their attention fragmented across multiple services, which means you need a presence in multiple places as well. Panabee checks whether usernames are free for registering on the most popular social media sites: Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.
No Domain Theft
Relax, we don't steal domain names. Because we're obedient Asians, and Confucius said stealing leads to negative karma. No robbing domains for us. Speaking of Confucius, read our peer-reviewed, empirically-based thesis on how he would earn a living in modern times and why Asian dudes can't grow facial hair.

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